A bit about me

NetObjects Fusion 2015Whatever brings you to here to look for answers, I hope that knowing the philosophy I use is based on respect and equality;

  • that everyone is OK,
  • everyone has the ability to think and
  • everyone has the ability to change

and that this philosophy make seeking change just a little bit safer for you.

Psychotherapy is my second career, I started training in 2013 at the LinkCentre in East Sussex. Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory that really sung to me and made sense of some very complex concepts of how our mind and body works.

I have been curios about issues that are created in our early childhood and how these present themselves later in adult life. How the body can recall the lost story so in addition to TA I have had an appetite for REICHIAN and Radix

I have finished the taught part of my TA course including the optional fourth year, in 2017. When I dedicated my time to getting the necessary client hours to sit my first of several exams, the LinkCentre diploma in Counselling. This will be abbreviated to Couns Dip Level 6. In order to qualify for client work I have all the necessary papers from the college and registration to the Governing Body UKATA and NPC. And of course appropriate insurances.

I work in private practise at the Cresent Practise http://thecrescentpractice.co.uk and I am supported by a wonderful Psychotherapist Annette Jones http://theopenroom.co.uk.

All therapists are supervised and this is regulated by their governing body, and I am no exception I am supervised by clinical supervisor PTSTA which is an entry requirement of the diploma.

In addition to private practise I work as a voluntary counsellor to college students. I am expecting to qualify early 2018.


Eric_Berne_and_pipeEric Berne (May 10, 1910 – July 15, 1970)

founder of TA theory wanted the theory to be accessible by the everyday person and wanted an end to the superior attitudes of therapists to their patients and in fact started the movement to refer to them as clients. His philosophy is based on:

  • People are OK; each person has validity, importance, equality of respect.
  • Positive reinforcement increases feelings of being OK.
  • All people have a basic lovable core and a desire for positive growth.
  • Everyone (with only few exceptions, such as the severely brain-damaged) has the capacity to think.
  • All of the many facets of an individual have a positive value for them in some way.
  • People decide their story and destiny, therefore these decisions can be changed.
  • All emotional difficulties are curable.